Health and Ayurveda

Monday, June 11, 2007

Yoga for current Psycho-Social problems

Society is a reflection of the individuals of which it consists. Hence, individual problems are reflected in the society and attempts to resolve these problems create changes in social conditions form time to time. Mechanized society has different problems from non-mechanized society, that is, the problems of civilized or industrialized society are different from the societies, which are under developed. Today, rapid growth in communications prevents any society from remaining isolated and unaffected by the problems of other societies. Some of the problems of society, however, are rooted in its cultural background, the habits, traditions and religious beliefs that shape each society. All problems are rooted in emotional disturbance and every problem in turn creates emotional disturbance through its psychophysical practices. These techniques bring changes in the attitudes of a person, which are determinants of his behavior.

Recent research trends have shown that it can serve as an applied science in a number of fields such as education, physical education, and sports. Health and family welfare, psychology, medicine etc. Researches in the field of yoga have established that the yogic practices are the best and are highly useful as they help to strengthen each organ and develop every muscle of the body but also regulate the circulation of the blood, purify the lungs, inspire the mind and then achieve a harmonious development of human personality.
Harshvardhan goswami
Ghaziabad (UP)
Nitin korpal
Sagar (MP)


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