Health and Ayurveda

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Polarity therapy unblocks and recharges the flow of life energy and realigns unbalanced energy as a means of eliminating disease. Likewise, HIV-positive individuals may find comfort in polarity therapy. Additionally this is an appropriate therapy for relieving general stress, back pain, stomach cramps, and other recurring maladies and conditions. Polarity therapy is a holistic, energy-based system that includes bodywork, diet, exercise and lifestyle counseling for the purpose of restoring and maintaining proper energy flows throughout the body. The underlying concept of polarity therapy is that all energy within the human body is based in electromagnetic force and that disease results from improperly dissipated energy. Austrian-American chiropractor, osteopath and naturopath Randolph Stone (1888-1981) developed polarity therapy as an integration of Eastern and Western principles and techniques of healing. Stone became committed to the principle of Ayurveda medicine, which he interpreted in conjunction with his scientific and medical knowledge to define polarity therapy. Stone established further that the prana, centered in the brain, ultimately controlled the combined forces of the body. Polarity therapy is based in charted energy flows. This technique, which comprises the central regimen or focal point of polarity therapy is very gentle and is unique to polarity therapy. It typically involves subtle rocking movements and cranial holds to stimulate body energy. The precepts of polarity therapy take into consideration specific interactions between different foods and the human energy fields. This preliminary verbal examination often monopolizes the first therapy session. Depending upon circumstances, a therapist might have a need to assess the patient’s physical structural balance through observation and physical examination. A physical examination is the evaluation of a body to determine its state of health. A complete health assessment also includes gathering information about a person’s medical history and lifestyle, conducting laboratory tests, and screening for disease. The term annual physical examination has been replaced in most health care circles by periodic health examination. Comprehensive physical examinations provide opportunities for health care professionals to obtain baseline information about individuals that may be useful in the future. They also health care providers to establish relationships before problems occur. Physical examinations are appropriate times to answer questions and teach good health practices. An average examination takes about 30 minutes. Most health plans cover routine physical examinations, including some tests. Before examiners question the patient, they will observe a person’s overall body temperature and blood pressure are recorded. The external nose is examined, neck, breasts. The breasts are palpated and inspected for masses. The blood vessels in the neck are observed and palpated. The person being examined should lie flat for an examination of the abdomen, reproductive organs. The groin area is palpated for the presence of lymph nodes. The joints and muscles are observed. The individual being examined should be comfortable and treated with respect throughout the examination. Before the physical examination begins, the bladder should be emptied. There are virtually no risks associated with a physical examination. Complications with the process of a physical examination correspond to the healthy appearance and normal functioning of the body. When St. Paul Fire and Marine insurers offered a liability insurance package to therapy providers, the company recognized polarity therapy as an alternative medical treatment along with acupuncture, biofeedback, homeopathy, reflexology and others.
Dr. Maganlal S. Molia
Rajkot (Gujarat)


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