Health and Ayurveda

Monday, April 16, 2007


Sleep is considered as a circadian phenomenon, a daily rhythmical change in physiological process. Sleep is one of the daily regimens, which gives energy to the body to precede day-to-day activities. But most of the people do not consider sleep as a daily regimen and do not give the body and mind enough sleep. As a result, in the present world about 50% of the people suffer from one or the other sleeping disorder.

According to an Ayurvedacharya Charaka, “sleep is the state of body and mind wherein the sense organs are discovered of the sense objects from their respective senses”.

Sleep is a state of consciousness that differs from alert, wakefulness by a loss of critical reactivity to events in the environment with a profound alertation in the respiration. When the sense organs get exhausted due to exertion, the person goes to sleep.

When the mind including sensory or motor organs is exhausted and they dissociate themselves from their objects, then the individual sleeps.

More than half of the life I invariably spent in sleep, hence if it is not enjoyed properly may lead to several disturbances and at the same time if it is enjoyed properly it proves the most beneficial to life, keeps the body healthy and mind sharp and sound.

One’s happiness, strength, nourishment, knowledge, life and their opposite qualities are all depending upon his sleep. Any anomaly in the sleep whether it is insufficient, excessive or irregular is likely to lead to disease and death.

Most of the people especially on our country have the habit of sleeping during the day time which is usually not advisable as it makes them fat, causes heaviness of the body and reduces one’s digestive capacity which is considered to the root cause for all the diseases in our body. Ayurvedic science says that day sleep is good for all during summer season as it helps to keep Vata – one of the three humours (basic concept of Ayurveda) in balance that gets aggravated due to sleeplessness, by reducing dryness of the body.

Day sleep is indicated in persons who do not sleep at night due to some unaccustomed conditions. They should compensate by sleeping half time of their night sleep in daytime without taking any food.
Clearly there is relationship between the cycle of the sun and the cycle of the sleep. During the course of any day, half the planet faces interstellar blackness. The gravitational pull on that half exposed to the sun is less than on that on the dark side, for the Sun’s gravitational pull compensates in a very small way for the mass of the Earth when sun is overhead. Similarly when the Sun is on the other side of the planet from where one is living; both Sun and Earth are pulling in the same direction towards the mass of the planet. In sleep the spinal cord streches out parallel to the plane of the earth’s surface, giving maximum exposure to surface area to the direct pull of gravity.

Vital organs like heart and brain does not rest at night. Heart does not have the normal workload of the day during sleep, hence it can pump blood and supply through out the body with minimum effort. Brain or nervous system is relieved of countless commands dictated by a conscious system during sleep, circulation to the brain increases as the whole head is provided with more oxygen and vital force.

Studies have shown that sleep is essential for normal immune system function 7 to maintain the ability to fight against disease and sickness. Sleep is also essential for normal nervous system function both physically and mentally. In addition, sleep is essential for learning and for normal healthy cell growth.

When we cut down our sleep we learn less, we develop less, we are less bright, we make worse decisions, we accomplish less, we are less productive, we are more prone to errors and we undermine out true intellectual potential.

Measures to induce sleep:

Intake of milk, sugarcane juice, rice that is more than 60 days old, bath in cold water, application of oil in head and body, nourishing eyes, ears by filling them with oil, free and unattached mind. These are some of the measures to induce sleep in people those who suffer from loss of sleep.

Sleeping well appears to be one of the most important factors underlying success in learning. Sleep is a mechanism provided by nature to restore inertia of the body, as good and bad to the body depends upon sleep, a circadian (physiological) phenomenon. We are in a position to understand the importance of sleep and follow the right and habits that helps us to enjoy good sleep and get benefited so that we can get away from the sleeping disorders in future.


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