Every man want to live long & healthy, for this there are prayers to promote rejuvenation and healing and regenration of living tissues ie, Dhatus in the body.For this there is rasayana therapy in Ayurveda.
Rasayana is one of the eight clinical specialities of classical Ayurveda. Rasayana is not a drug theraphy but is a specialized procedure practised in the from of reguvenative recipes, dietary regimen and special health promoting conduct and behaviour ie, Achara-Rasayan.
Labhopayo hi Sastanam rasadinam Rasayanam.( 1/8)
Rasayana means the way for attaining excellent rasa ie, one attains lonevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorder, youthful age, excellence of lusture, complexion & voice, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, successful words, respectability and brilliance.
Historical Aspects - Rasayana is described elaborately in the four padas of the 1st chapter in charaka's cikisthasthana of charak samitha. In Susruthasamitha it is found in 27-29 chapter of chikistasthana & Astangahrdya of Vagbhata of utteratantra.
The effect of Rasayana - Considering the Ayurvedic concepts of physiology Rasayana agent promotes nutrition trough one of the folling three modes :
- By direct enrichment of the nutritional quality of rasa (nutritional plasma) - Satavarai, milk, ghee etc.
- By promoting nutrition through impromving agni (digestion & metabolism) - Bhallataka, pippali etc.
- By promoting the competence of srotas (microcirculatory channels in the body)-Guggulu.
Classification Of Rasayana - The rasayanas may be classified as below :
A - As per scope of use -
1. Kamaya Rasayana - Promotor of normal health.
a. Pranakamya - Promotor of vitality & longevity of life.
b. Medhakamya - Promotor of intellengence.
c.Srikamya - Promotor of complexion.
2. Naimittika Rasayana - Promotes the vitality in specific diseases.
B - As per method of use -
1.Vatatapika Rasayana - Outdoor theraphy.
2. Kutipravesika Rasayana - Indoor theraphy.
C - As per content of Rasayana -
1. Ausadha Rasayana - Drug Rasayana.
2. Ahara Rasayana - Dietary Rasayana.
3. Achara Rasayana - Conduct of Rasayana.
Method of use - Before the use of rasayana theraphy it is very essential that samsodhanna karma is done as a preparatory procedure. Similarly the the patient needs mental purification as well.
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