Health and Ayurveda

Monday, April 16, 2007


We are analyzing a unique subject: the synthetics of natural sciences with metaphysics. Our ancient seers and sages long back conceived the principles of physical or natural science. The World, as we see, is a play of energy, force or vibration, and not an illusion, was an important creed of our Sastras. This is in total conformity with modern science.

Discovery of modern physics that matter is only waves of various lengths, without their being any essentially solid, hard stuff is really a re-discovery of what the Trika Shastra conceived centuries ago as the “Spanda”. Through modern physics, we have grown accustomed to thinking of physical reality as waves of energy- as the matter-energy continuum. Tantric Shaivism presents the full matrix of energy pulsation of which physical reality is only a part. From t he relatively superficial unified spectrum of spanda leads inward until the most delicate and powerful tendrils of individuality merge with the infinitely rapid vibration of the ultimate consciousness.

Well, before we analyze further the physical and spiritual science, let us understand in brief the uniqueness of Kashmir Shaivism. This philosophy occupies a distinguished position among the various schools of religious creed and thought. It focuses on relation between God, Nature and Man, which overcomes all the barriers of diverse human-cultures. It leads to the highest level of self-realization, revealing the inner most secrets of the nature of self. All the aspects of life are integrated and taken in totality. Thus, rather than negation and denial, it celebrates life. Kashmir Shaivism is the school of Indian philosophy, which can inspire us for both material and spiritual progress. Rather, the approach is from theory to practice. Indeed, it leads us to the real “Art of Living”.

Kashmir Shaivism is presently evoking deep interest in West, with lot of pioneering research work at leading universities. In our present strife-torn world this philosophy can be a great guide and united factor. A thrill of self confidence, the spirit of bliss, surpassing all barriers of caste, creed and gender, no look back, no regret, the inner journey, see everything as creation of God, etc – how prominently and conceptually these are emphasized in Kashmir Shaivism. In fact, it should be our endeavor to present this ancient philosophy in common man’s language so that resurgence takes place with the goal of upliftment of world as a whole.
Virendra Qazi
New Delhi


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